Thursday, July 3, 2008

Minneapolis, Minnesota...home for the summer :)

Finally a new post after 4 months!! This is what we've been up to :) (if anyone cares :) We're living in Minneapolis for the summer. We really like it. It's a beautiful part of the country with tons of lakes, running and biking trails, parks, and really nice people. Here are my cute, crazy kids! They may not always like me, but they seem to really love each other!


Mark and Meghan said...

FINALLY kris! :) i was so excited to see your cute kids. i cannot believe how much johnny looks like lauren in that fist picture! and how big he's getting . can't wait to snuggle with him.

your trip to minnesota sounds like a long one...i'm glad you made it!

i cannot believe a year ago we all had little new borns...where did that year go??

can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks..wish you were going to the cabin with us today!

Pyatt said...

Welcome Back my sweet friend!! :)) Your kids are HUGE!! I can't believe Johnny--it seems like yesterday we were sitting in Kristin's living room setting up Mackenzie and Johnny!! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Take care!!

Kristy said...

So glad for the update on your lives! Looks like you had a great trip out and I'm glad to hear you are liking Minnesota.

Sara said...

I miss you guys so much! I loved seeing new pictures. Looks like you are having fun in Minnesota. I can't believe Johnny's long blonde hair. What a cutie!!! Let's talk soon.

Brittany Archibald said...

So good to see some latest pictures of you guys. I love your family! You guys are awesome and your kids are hilarious. I miss you all and can't wait for life back in Boston. Only one more year! Boo-hoo. The road trip looked like a lot of fun. I'm so glad you guys were able to do that.

Sean and Laura said...

Wow. I am so glad you are back. How was the job? Emma really misses your girls.

Corinne said...

seeing all these pics really makes me miss you guys!! all your kids look so grown up and it's only been 2 months!! we can't wait to see you guys back at sfp!! lets talk soon!

Carrie said...

Hope your summer is going well. No matter how much you like your internship, I think you're always excited to get back to Boston. Have a FANTASTIC last year!

Pyatt said...

Kristy--I tagged you...we'll see if this gets you blogging again!! :)