Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm Sorry Camryn...I didn't berember doing it!

Lauren "accidently?" erased all the pictures in Camryn's camera. Camryn was devastated and really angry at Lauren. The cutest thing was Lauren's reaction. She honestly felt so sad that she had done it and kept saying, "Mom, I berember (erasing them)" Then she went to Camryn (without being told) and hugged her and said she was sorry. (above picture!)
Camryn forgave her.
Best friends again! Whew! They are such cute little friends. They do fight a lot, but they also really love each other and are very good to each other too.
Just had to add this picture of Johnny. You can never have too much of him!

1 comment:

Mark and Meghan said...

i'm glad camryn forgave lauren! sad. and i love that picture of jonny! wish we were seeing all of the kids this weekend too!!