Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spring Fling

We had a spring fling party on Friday at HBS. The kids had a great time. Here's Johnny eating popcorn--he's very happy about it.
Camryn and Gemma tie-dyed shirts. They were very excited about it.

This is the face Johnny makes literally everytime he sees a camera and someone says "smile!"

Here's the famous smile again. Like father, like son!

One more Johnny! He's such a happy kid! Thank you! Thank you! thank you!!!

This is the bike Johnny got for his birthday. He loves it! He can go so fast. He rides it to the car and back everyday and he sits on it first thing in the morning and drinks his milk on it. :)


Mark and Meghan said...

love jonny's face! that bike is really cool.
love the pictures of the girls...they're getting too big!
happy birthday to johnny and camryn!!!thanks for the updates..we love and miss you!

Pyatt said...

I LOVED catching up on your kids in your new post!! I can't believe how grown up they are. Crazy...you have a 6 year old!!! My how time flies. At my wedding...she was just a baby still. Anyway I miss you...when is our trip?:)

Emily said...

Oh so cute! Happy Birthday to Camryn and Johnny!!

The Maughan Family said...

Oh, I could just eat Johnny!!!!!! Kristy, I love seeing pics of your kids. They are getting so big. It has been way too long since we've seen them and most of all, you! We miss you and hope all goes well with graduation, moving, etc. Love you.