Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spring Fling

We had a spring fling party on Friday at HBS. The kids had a great time. Here's Johnny eating popcorn--he's very happy about it.
Camryn and Gemma tie-dyed shirts. They were very excited about it.

This is the face Johnny makes literally everytime he sees a camera and someone says "smile!"

Here's the famous smile again. Like father, like son!

One more Johnny! He's such a happy kid! Thank you! Thank you! thank you!!!

This is the bike Johnny got for his birthday. He loves it! He can go so fast. He rides it to the car and back everyday and he sits on it first thing in the morning and drinks his milk on it. :)

Spring Around Campus

Greg took the girls out on Mother's Day and took some pictures around campus. I love this one. Camryn is now 6 and Lauren is 4 1/2. We're so happy spring is finally here!!!

Johnny Turns 2!

Our cute little Johnny turned 2 yesterday! I'll put up the pictures of his party later, but I just wanted to put a couple pictures of him up now. He's getting so big!
Johnny got a bike for his birthday and he loves it! He is on it all the time. I'll post a pictures of him on it. They are inseparable. :) We love you Johnny!!!

Camryn Turns 6!

Camryn and her best friend Gemma have birthdays a week apart, so they had a joint birthday party. It was a garden party. All the kids decorated pots and planted a flower. Gemma had a flower cake and Camryn wanted an "angel" cake. (Gemma is in the pink sweater). They invited all they girls from their class at school. They had a great time. Luckily Greg was there to keep all the kids entertained! (see picture above :)

Camryn opening her presents that morning. She loves to save EVERYTHING! so she got some cute storage boxes so her stuff would be a little more contained and look a little better :) !

This is the pot Camryn decorated with her flowers in it.